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IT as a product: Secrets of successful launches【IT作为产品的被成功发布的秘诀】
Mary K. Pratt
发表时间: 2019-06-10
博文来源: www.cio.com,CIO.com - Offshoring

The need for speed is rapidly transforming IT. Tasked with moving as fast as — or even faster than — the business, IT has adopted a host of new strategies for delivering tech capabilities quickly. Central to this shift has been a movement toward agile development, which has heralded a multitude of changes to the development and delivery process.

Organizations at the forefr ........

人工关键词: IT; 信息技术
自动关键词: IT; 信息技术; Capita; 卡皮塔; 外包模式; 人员招聘
所属领域: 信息技术服务外包
博文文种: 英文
博文采编: _3249



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