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David B. Grant;Chee Yew Wong;Alexander Trautrims.Kogan Page.2017-12-30.Z-library.
Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Managementis the essential guide to the principles and practices of sustainable logistics operations. Based on ...
Alimahomed-Wilson;Jake;Ness;Immanuel.Pluto Press.2018-01-01.Z-library.
Indhold: Building labor power and solidarity across the world's choke points (Labor and social movements' strategic usage of the global commod...
Olivier Cattaneo;Michael Engman;Sebastian Saez;Robert Stern.World Bank Publications.2010-12-01.Zlibrary.
The services sector is key to economic growth, competitiveness, and poverty alleviation. Comprising more than two-thirds of the world economy, service...
Shintaro Hamanaka.World Scientific Publishing Company.2014-12-01.Zlibrary.
It is an appropriate time to rethink the relationship between trade regionalism and multilateralism in the Asian context as we witness the proliferati...
Jan H Dalhuisen.Hart Publishing.2019-01-01.Zlibrary.
This is the seventh edition of the leading work on transnational and comparative commercial, financial, and trade law, covering a wide range of comple...
Efraim Turban;Judy Whiteside;David King;Jon Outland.Springer.2016-12-31.Zlibrary.
This is a complete update of the best-selling undergraduate textbook on Electronic Commerce (EC). New to this 4th Edition is the addition of material ...
Luigi F. Pedreschi.T.M.C. Asser Press;T.M.C. Asser Press.2020-12-01.Zlibrary.
This book examines the impact of EU trade and investment agreements on public services, a topic that continues to be the subject of heated political d...
Cosimo Beverelli;Jürgen Kurtz;Damian Raess.Cambridge University Press.2020-12-01.Zlibrary.
In September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a distinctive...
Fidelio Tata.1st edition.2019-12-31.Zlibrary.
This book provides unique information to prepare graduates and newly hired corporate and investment banking professionals for a career in the global m...
Sang Man Kim.Springer Singapore.2020-12-31.Zlibrary.
This book explains various methods of payment in international trade and trade finance schemes for international trade. It also presents an overview o...